He’s not exactly a dedicated follower of fashion, but is MP Jon Cruddas one of the worst-dressed men in the country? One influential men’s mag seems to think so.

Barking and Dagenham Post: MP Jon Cruddas was named second-worst dressed man in the countryMP Jon Cruddas was named second-worst dressed man in the country (Image: PA Archive/Press Association Images)

The Dagenham and Rainham Labour MP, who takes a, ahem, rather casual approach to styling, came second only to scruffy singer Ed Sheeran on the losers’ list of GQ Magazine’s annual register of the sartorially feted and slated.

We contacted Jon’s magazine critics, but got no response, so readers will have to wait until next month’s GQ is published to find out why he’s considered so sartorially slack.

The Dagenham and Rainham parliamentarian laughed off the attack, which placed him behind cross-dressing reality TV regular Alex Reid.

“It’s not something that bothers me but I think my mum will be quite upset!”, Jon, 50, said. “I don’t think I’m the second worst-dressed man in Parliament, let alone the country!

“I think it’s quite funny and I’ve had my leg pulled relentlessly by my mates and family since they heard about it.”

Jon said he shopped “at regular high street shops” like Marks & Spencer; a far cry from what he branded the “Brideshead Revisted approach to fashion” celebrated by GQ.

The state school educated MP said: “GQ seems to be dominated by the Eton educated whose dress-sense is straight out of [1910s and 1920s set BBC period drama] Downton Abbey and I’m not surprised I don’t figure high. I’m out of that orbit.”

He said he had “no plans” to change his get-up but added: “There is one even worst-dressed man in Britain, my objective is to make sure I don’t reach the top spot next year!”

Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens was named best dressed in the country.

You can read the the verdict on Britain’s best and worst-dressed men in next month’s GQ.