This week’s Q&A comes from Narin Ozenci, who’ll be performing in Barking’s theatre fringe festival CLOUT at the end of July.

What’s your connection with the borough?

I was born in Barking. I’ll be performing in Barking’s CLOUT Festival with my show ‘BonQrz’. I wrote BonQrz, but it’s performed by my character, Narin Oz. Narin Oz is a character who lives on the outskirts of society and doesn’t care about convention, social rules or etiquette. She takes pleasure in poking fun of the dark, she violently enjoys her sexuality and she’s completely mischevious.

What’s the best thing about working or living in the borough?

The best thing about Barking are the parks, and there’s also a Lidl.

What one thing would you change?

I would love to see a big pet shop in the area.

Use three words to describe the area.

Green, grey and red – for the colours of the buses.

Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met?

Erkan Mustafa, who played Roland Browning in Grange Hill in the eighties, is the most inspiring person I’ve ever met. He is also the director for my show, BonQrz.

What new law would you introduce if you were the prime minister?

A law making sure there were no tuition fees for students.

If you were the editor of this paper, what issues would you focus on?

I would focus on increasing the emphasis on diversity and inclusion in Barking.

• Narin will be performing BonQrz on July 27 at 7pm, at Studio 3 Arts in Boundary Road. Tickets cost £8, concessions are £5, and can be bought at